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Phone for free advice | Ear world



0114 221 6499


Speak with Irshad today.

Specialist in micro-suction and ear health. Irshad has significant experience in audiology and complimentary therapies. Irshad was previously an NHS clinician before opening Ear world. He last worked for Barts Health NHS trust, one of the biggest NHS trust within the audiology department for the last three years as an associate technical officer (ATO) in audiology.

In addition to being a specialist in micro-suction, Irshad has over 20 years experience as a complimentary therapist. A very approachable and compassionate individual with a natural ability to understand and communicate patients needs. 

A chance to discuss ear issues with a qualified ear consultant and receive free and impartial advice on treatments. At Earworld we are able to provide advice and treatment for all manner of ear issues including; itching, irritation, infection, hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, dizziness.

NHS clinician qualified in
ear micro-suction.

We can provide treatment and further checks

Same day appointments 

Call our ear health advice line 5 days a week. 9-5pm

Struggling with Ear health?


Ear irritation, ear infection, itching ears, blocked ears, clogged ear wax, tinnitus, vertigo, sore ears and all manner of ear related issues.

If you are suffering with any ear related issue, the chances are very high you may have middle or outer ear imbalances such as clogged wax or high pressure behind the ear drum. Though many of these issues are easily treatable they generally require a specialist inspection or treatment to avoid them developing and worsening.


The ear is a complex system with many canals and openings, cartilage, thin membranes and natural systems responsible for the removal of wax and correct air pressure levels. The ear can be sensitive to external factors such as moisture and foreign bodies as well as internal imbalances such as excess pressure or liquid build up. This excess pressure or build up of wax can often be the cause of many ear health issues such as;


  • Dizziness

  • Tinnitus

  • Muffled hearing

  • Vertigo

  • Ear infections

  • Ear aches and pains

  • Hearing loss

  • Itching ears




The natural system of ear wax removal can become delayed over time and result in clogged wax sitting in the ear for up to two years inevitably causing a number of ear health issues such as clogged wax, infection and fungal growth.


Over time ear health issues can become hard to ignore and require specialist treatments such as micro-suction ear wax removal or even simple jaw exercises to move excess mucus behind the ear drum.


The average waiting time for an NHS ENT consultant or GP is currently as high as 6 months: leaving many patients in discomfort or worsening ear health for a considerable amount of time.



Take the first step to healthy ears here.


You can call our ear care advice line and speak with ear consultant Irshad M for advice on your ear related health issues and possible treatments. We offer a range of specialist ear checks covering both the outer and middle ear and are able to offer detailed reports to take to your GP or ENT ward to potentially speed up the wait time. We also offer specialist ear wax removal with our micro-suction treatments and ear irrigation.


Give Ear World a call to discuss your ear health concerns for free on 0114 221 6499

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Ear world. A private ear specialist based in Sheffield offering ear wax removal and ear inspections.

Ear irritation, ear infection, itching ears, blocked ears, clogged ear wax, tinnitus, vertigo, sore ears and all manner of ear related issues.

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